Logic Gate: Object Tag

When the system detects and confirms a specific event, it adds a tag to the object causing the event, using that object to create new logical judgment events.

Logic Gate: Object Tag

  • Input: Boolean (True/False)

  • Output Type: Object

Setting up Logic Gate: Object Tag

After dragging the Object Card onto the canvas, click on settings " ⋮ " to specify the detection target (e.g., person, car, etc.)

  • Model Repository: The AI model repository for this object. In Object Tag, you can only choose from the model repository of a previous event.

  • Ontology Class: The detection target for this object (e.g., person, car, etc.). In Object Tag, you can only choose one object Class from a previous event.

  • Attribute: Attributes of the detection target (optional, e.g., color: red, etc.). Similarly, in Object Tag, you can only choose one object attribute from a previous event.

  • Trigger Area: Set the range for this detection object to trigger the event. The range is defined with the top-left corner of the object’s bounding box as the starting point (0,0) to set the object area. If the detection target is the bottom 10% of the object, according to the definition, it would be set as width 0%~100%, height 90%~100% (as shown in the figure below).


The Logic Gate: Object Tag specifically targets the result of a particular event and tags the object related to this event. It can only be used after an event, tagging the object of the event when it is true, and then using it as the object card to complete subsequent logical judgments.

For example: When the result of Event A (person entering an area) is true, tag this object (person) and then check if this person is wearing a helmet.

Application Example

Trigger an event when a "person" in the area is not wearing a safety helmet.

The person is the primary tagged subject of this event.

Last updated