Logic Gate: AND

This logic checks whether both events are true. The combined event is considered true only when both individual events are true.

Logic Gate: AND

Input: Boolean (True/False)

Output Type: Boolean (True/False)

Setting up Logic Gate: AND

After dragging the Area Card onto the canvas, click on settings " ⋮ " for detailed instructions.

The Logic Gate: AND serves as a connector for the judgment of two events. It checks whether both events are true simultaneously; the combined event is considered true only when both individual events are true.


The Logic Gate: AND can only be used after two event judgments have been made and cannot follow directly after an Object.

For example: Event A (person in the area) + Event B (car in the area) + Logic Gate: AND = Event triggered when both a person and a car are present in the area simultaneously.

Application Example

Monitor and trigger an event when both "a person enters the area" and "a car enters the area."

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