This page shows the working statistics of the labelers and reviewers that conducts this task. Use the date picker to select the duration you want to view.
As long as one user ever been assigned as a labeler or reviewer, the statistics of this user will be shown on this page unless this user is deleted from the Linker Platform or removed from DataVerse.
Labeler's statistics
The following data will be shown according to the selected duration.
Initial File Submitted: The number of files that is initially labeled and submitted by this labeler.
Objects in Initial Files: The total number of the objects in the Initial File Submitted.
Avg. Time Spent on Initial Files: The average duration that this labeler performing labeling works on the Initial File Submitted.
Avg. Time Spent Per Object: The average duration this labeler spent for creating an annotation object.
Rework File Submitted: The number of files that is reworked labeling and submitted by this labeler.
Avg. Time Spent on Rework Files: The average duration that this labeler performing labeling works on the Reworked File Submitted.
Done Files: The number of files marked as done and labeled by this labeler.
One-hit Rate: The percentage of files marked as done and never be reworked.
In our labeling or reviewing panel, if a labeler or reviewer idles for 30 seconds, it will stop counting the time spent on initial/rework files as well as the time spent on the objects.
Reviewer's statistics
Approved File Submitted: The number of files that this reviewer approves.
Avg. Time Spent on Approved Files: The average duration that this reviewer spent on the Approved File Submitted.
Rejected File Submitted: The number of files that this reviewer rejects.
Avg. Time Spent on Rejected Files: The average duration that this reviewer spent on the Rejected File Submmited.
Last updated